Wednesday, August 25, 2010

'After all; it's the chasing after him that I really love.' RIP, Satoshi Kon.

Satoshi Kon
October 12, 1963 - August 23, 2010

Creator of several critically-acclaimed and visually stunning anime movies, such as Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress and Tokyo Godfathers, Satoshi Kon passed away the other day reportedly from cancer. At first the news passed as a series of Twitter rumors that unfortunately turned out to be true.

He was one of the most brilliant modern Japanese animators and his movies had often been a source of jaw-dropping awe. After Miyazaki, he is probably my next favorite Japanese animator. One of my favorite memories is watching Millennium Actress with my then-boyfriend: He later admitted that was on the verge of tears and wanted to hold my hand while watching some of the emotional scenes.

Rest in peace, Satoshi Kon.

1 comment:

dean isaac said...

T_T I'll watch those movies you said as tribute.